Divorce & Life Coaching and Consulting

Sara Lorance

 Holistic Life Coach through Radiant Academy, specializing in Divorce Coaching and Consulting.

Divorce is an extremely stressful time and coaching helps you regulate that stress to ultimately, turn it to your advantage.  In any contractual separation, knowledge is a powerful tool and consulting helps you stay empowered and focused on what is most important to you.  Coaching raises awareness of action needed in the present moment whereas consulting is an exploration of strategy and resources.

Reach out to Sara to schedule your 30-minute discovery call: Sara@EmanateJoy.com

Coaching vs Consulting

Coaching works with where the client is right now to help them move forward using their own intuition to create change in their lives.

Consulting helps the client by sharing expertise, knowledge, and giving advice on the next course of action on a specific situation. Consulting is not Legal advice.

What do I offer?

Discovery Call

30-minute Discovery Call to explore where you would like support in your life and see if we are a good match for your journey.

Holistic Life Coaching

Support to work through challenging transitions or to create the healing you want across all areas of your life.

Divorce Coaching & Consulting

Divorce coaching helps minimize some of the emotional overload while keeping you on track and feeling empowered. 

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call Today

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